Free weekly classes on how I make 10K months with a tiny audience and have complete flexibility over my schedule (so I can spend more time with my kids & have more “me time”).
Get all your questions answered on crafting irresistible offers, digital marketing, mindset, sales, and even random super useful stuff!
Join a community full of high-achieving, single mothers in business who are movers and shakers.
Discover how to simplify your business with streamlined automation, work less, and get more done (coz let's face it, we don't have much time to spare!).
PLUS! Bonus Free Gift! The Signature Offer Blueprint, Workbook + Free Training
Katie Joy
Katie Joy is the Founder of Digital Entrepreneur, providing marketing funnels and mentoring for female coaches and entrepreneurs to do what they love and grow a profitable business. Being a full-stack digital marketer, and coaching for over 5 years, Katie has a wealth of experience in helping people connect within to get results through taking inspired, aligned action…making business feel ‘easy’.
After transitioning to high ticket offers, Katie started making 10K months while working part time. She now helps others do the same by packaging their passion, developing entrepreneurial thinking, and delivering their unique message. Katie’s mission is to help thousands of visionary leaders make a significant impact while enjoying lifestyle flexibility and freedom because she believes business should be both FUN and fulfilling.
© Digital Entrepreneur 2022